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Our Programs

Cash assesitant project- Sada’ah Governorate

In January 2017, Al-Ekram Development Charitable Foundation distributed sums of money for the IDPs in Sahar and Al-Safra districts, Sa’ada Governorate. The project targeted 200 of the families in most need. The Foundation was also keen to…

Cash Assistance Project – Saada Governorate

Al-Ekram Foundation implemented during September 2016 the cash assistance project, whereby the Foundation distributed the gifts of Eid al-Adha in all districts of Sa’ada Governorate to the war wounded and people with disabilities affected…

Cash Assistance Project – Saada Governorate

In order to revive the spirit of community solidarity, cooperation and assistance to the vulnerable, Al-Ekram Foundation implemented during July 2016 the cash assistance project, where the Foundation distributed gifts of Eid Al-Fitr in all…